Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Epic Fail Much?

 this is a story i wrote about a year ago when my cousin was living with my parents and I. I think it's funny, tell me what you think!

    It's 2:11AM, and I feel the need to get some corn pops. Now if any of you have even been in my house you'll know that this is no easy task. Seeing as how the my parents bedroom, or as I like to call it; The Dragon's Den, is positioned directly beside the great white box of succulent goodness. Despite the danger I silently crept up the stairs with the taste of corn pops lingering on my tongue creating a nostalgia for what was early this morning. I open the cupboard and fumble through the cereal boxes until I find the one holding the golden pops. Its yellow exterior glistening in the moonlight shining in from the dining room window. Now with the key ingredient, I have one more task. It would be too noisy to "create" this spectacular blend of milk and golden pops upstairs, so I have to take all my ingredients downstairs before I can feast. As I'm collecting the utensils necessary for such a creation I hear Taylor climbing the steps behind me. He walks into the kitchen and whispers "sup" and I give him the cliche sup head nod and walk past him to grab the milk. I then walk back past him again to grab my pops, cause I gotta have my pops, to start the long journey back downstairs. Now this is where it gets weird; there must have been at least two feet of space for me to pass Taylor but for some reason, some godforsaken reason, this had to happen. The jug of milk I am carrying is fresh, so it weighs about a pound. Now if you get enough momentum behind something like that you could create a lot of noise, especially when its the middle of the night. I go to walk past Taylor but for the aforementioned godforsaken reason my arm holding the jug of milk bumps into his arm with enough force to make his hand holding a half full glass of water crash into the side of the cupboard and cut his hand before falling to the conglomerate tile to shatter.The glass shattering sounded like a nuclear explosion as it echoed throughout the house. We stood there looking at each other with a look of complete failure reflected off one anothers face. What seemed like several minutes was only a few seconds, and it only took a few seconds for the dragon to emerge from her den. She looked out from the door at us, myself half expecting her to torch us with great flames carried from her vicious mouth. But she was surprisingly chill about it, she asked what had broken, told us where the broom and dustpan were (which took us 20 minutes to find) and then went back to bed. We cleaned up the shattered remains of the fallen glass and then headed back downstairs laughing to ourselves about what had just happened. Oh and yeah i did end up enjoying those corn pops. There was something special about them, a kind of justification as to why i should be eating them.


  1. Never thought you can tell a story about getting cereal in so much detail.

  2. Hey man, its the corn pops... they make you do stuff... !!

  3. failing is what i do best. also supporting and following. expecting the same.

  4. Corn Pops are AWESOMEEEE <3333333

    LOL...what a strange little story...

  5. ive always thought that they put sum kinda of a drug.. THC maybe.. in those corn pops.. makes you seriously addicted

  6. Gotten have my Pops but still I like Eggo cereal more :)

  7. wow bro, u sure got urself a top tale!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. lol i think i heard that story from somewhere else

  10. haha that really sucks dude
    same ^

  11. All the time lol

    Support your local blogs
    Biff Tanner

  12. Looking forward to more from this blog, great time killer at work

  13. hilarious

  14. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha just..wow XD

  15. Pretty good story.


  16. nice story but fruit loops FTW
    follow me back http://opinionofnovalue.blogspot.com/

  17. Well, at least you got your cereal!

    I never liked Corn Pops much…

  18. cool story bro

    come visit/follow my blog :) i always return comments/follows!

  19. Good post man, check my blog out!@

  20. should submit it to FML sounds like a FML moment :P:P

  21. omg i need corn pops now, i havent had them forever and now i can taste them omg what did u do to me,,,, im starving now

  22. oh no, breakfast fail, that's the most important fail of the day

  23. "justification as to why i should be eating them"

    haha :´-D
    nice story, keep it up.

  24. TL;DR
    I'm not in the mood to read that much but i'll do it tomorrow!

    Followed in the meantime.

  25. Could do with some corn pops myself after reading that :/

  26. definitely needs paragraphs, but besides from that a good story haha

